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Invitation to submit abstracts / full papers

The organizing committee invites one page abstract submissions (350-500 words).

All abstracts should be formatted to facilitate a double blind review process. Authors’ names and details, including names of all co-authors plus their affiliations and addresses should appear on a separate cover page along with the topic code and a brief biography (maximum 100 words) of the presenter.  This page will be removed prior to the review process.

Papers may focus on any sector/industry, but should draw from the service management or services marketing literature. Preference will be given to submissions that represent a clear contribution to the current body of theoretical knowledge in services.

No author should have more than three submissions, as either single or a co-author.    

Submission & Templates

Submit your abstract or full paper using one of the templates below:

Submission procedure

Authors are invited to submit an abstract of one-page by January 15th, 2023. Those who would like to submit a full paper (in order to be eligible for consideration for the best paper award, young service researcher awards, and for submission for developmental review and preparation for submission to Journals, for preparing for Journals submission) should also submit a three-page extended abstract of the full paper by February 18th, 2023. Please note, the word count for full paper is 5000 words. The limit for extended abstract is 1000 to 2500 words.

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